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Integrity is one of the most important business philosophies we have, and it consolidates the Company's leading role in the display industry and gains the trust and respect of customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and the society. The Company’s integrity management policy has been stated in the "Innolux Integrity Management Code" and other regulations passed by the board of directors. The Company also expresses the integrity management policies and practices in the internal regulations and external documents and strictly requires all employees and suppliers must comply with the Company's integrity management policy.

Regarding the integrity management in 2023, the Company's implementation status is listed as follows:

  1. Internal propaganda: Continuously promoting related topics to colleagues by means of the Company's official website, posters, startup screens, screen savers and other diversified manners to deepen their understanding of professional ethics and legal compliance.
  2. Internal education and training :
    • 「Business conduct and ethics policies」education and training including Trade secret, Personal Data protection Act, Anti-Corruption policy and Prevention of Insider Trading, and the number of participants was 12,578.
    • Anti-corruption policy education and training The Company held anti-corruption policy training courses “Company's Anti-corruption Policy and Related Case Analysis” during 2023. The speech was about one hour (including lectures and tests) ;
    • "Prevention of Insider Trading" courses The Company held "Prevention of Insider Trading" courses “Prevention of Insider Trading and Related Case Analysis” during 2023. The speech was about 30 minutes (including lectures and tests) .
  3. External propaganda for suppliers: The Company not only requires its colleagues to follow the professional ethics and to comply with laws and regulations, but also requires suppliers to abide by the "Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Code of Conduct Operating Standard" and sign the "Supplier's Undertakings" to accomplish jointly the Company's corporate culture of integrity management. In addition, the Company continuously propagandizes and conveys to its suppliers the Company's integrity management culture, and examines whether there is any behaviors not conform to integrity management.
  4. Reporting and investigation: The Company has set up a reporting mailbox (speak-up@innolux.com) on the official website to provide information such as reporting channels and acceptance procedures so that internal and external personnel can use this channel to report dishonest acts. In addition, the reported case is directly accepted by the investigation team and handled in accordance with the operating procedures of the "Innolux's Corruption Investigation and Management Practices". For the investigation of reported cases, the Company also takes appropriate protective measures to ensure that the identity of the reporter and the contents of the report can be fully protected, and does not treat unfairly and retaliate against any reporters and whoever involved in the investigation.
  5. “Corporate Integrity Management Policy and Implementation in 2023“ will arrange to be reported to Board of Directors in 2024-Q1.